marion ky
 More About Daily Changing Ads

We live in a fast-paced society where today's news can be viewed instanteously on the Internet.
Daily Changing Ads can be updated by the hour on Your Web Ad Page at MarionKy.Biz.
A newspaper ad can be changed daily, 
but an Internet ad can change as quickly as you can send an email.
Your Daily Changing Ad can be up online in a matter of minutes.

Daily Changing Ads (500k) are only $30.00 per month at one change per day
Every Hour Changes are available for an additional $1.00 per change
 (500k page size allows for quicker-loading times)

If we create the page, it will be fast and simple.
For further information on how we can help you achieve your goals 
by advertising your business online 
in the Marion, Kentucky Business Directory
The Marion, Kentucky Business Directory
Daily Changing Ads
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